Friday, August 31, 2007


some emotions is very difficulty to communicate without a drawing ,hance gesture can solve this .

Sunday, August 26, 2007

dadoo is in gestures

after a long time i am never come over the attachment with my gesturing with pencil .This time iam gesticulating my fevorite charecture dadoo ,and his inner emotion through his body language .

Sunday, May 20, 2007

my buddy dadoo

I love ,care ,and share my feelings to my charectures.I talk to them i see a great personality within themselves .They never laying me and hate aswell. i enjoy their company .when lonely play with them and they gives me happy ness .Realy they r my best friends and i like them very much .
They reflect my inner urge .some times i dream them i lost myself with their gestures ,mannerisms ,and apeal aswell.
Here i am intruducing one of my fevorite
characture DADOO sitting under a mushroom
guess what his spychology .
i like his gesture his cuteness .if you like him
love him he will be happy so me too .

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

some times i like to visit zoo and feel sad as the animals are kept away from their natural habitates.some are instinct .by the way i see them and try their shapes with my lines . its very funny to watch them in nature naturaly .

Sunday, May 13, 2007

love in nature

love is eternal, it exist every where in nature ,in society ,in animals ,in each n every particles of this vast universe.i find it every where.

Monday, April 30, 2007

while seeing nature closely

Nature is a great teacher it teaches every thing ,All natural thing from birds to animals ,people to places,floraand fauna every thing interesting to watch to skeatch which give me a sense of reality and detail structure of every thing while animating those things seeing help me a lot .

when ever i feel am free my pencil makes me busy .I love to scribble,trying to convert my feelings into lines pure lines .They say a lot .Those lines speaks about the mood ,for every mood there is a pose .the key of animation .the gesture .I enjoy it .I love to do play with lines .

Sunday, April 22, 2007

my charectures

i study animamals ,birds ,i like them in nature i dont like them to be killed ,i like them to be in a natural way .they are my fevorite topic of my charecture design .I have great fun to sudy them and draw them .

my lines

my pencil make me busy ,what ever i wanna i try to capture in lines i dont know it gives me , you know ! lots of pleasure .my friends say its good drawing .It gives me lot of fun and and encouragement .

my location study

i am enjoying playing with a pencil scbibble scribble and scribble thwe great way to enjoy life by talking with pecncil.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

my location study

some times i like the calm and simplecity of country side .I talk with the solitude of lonely streets and huts and enjoy the silence of nature away from the concreet jungle.And listen to the whisper of nature in voice of wind which passes through the leaves.I smell the perfume of pure soil free from pollutents. My heart goes light i like nature and its beauty .

where lines are immortal

life is full of fantastic fullfillment .The person having passion towards his creation can creat any thing of his its trure to to every aspect of life .so art and drawings too .An artist or an animator spents his life to make his work alive.Imortal,in this mortal wordly possetions .only one thing does remain for ever that the beauty and the creaton which give fun and fullfill life.
And as an animator put life into nonliving things life long without stopping even if stand against all odds of life. He can use every second of his life for act of animation.while sleeping deams the concept,while walking through nature he study the nature ,while animating he uses his concept int reality by animating by putting life to his nonliving scribbles.
Realy a great way to live fullest .

Friday, April 6, 2007

Drawing - The Practical and Logical Approach

According to Nicolaides author of Natural Way to Draw,” There is only one right way to draw, and that is perfectly natural way. It has nothing to do with artifice or technique. It has nothing to do with aesthetics or conceptions. It has only to do with the act of correct observation, and by that I mean physical contact with the all sorts of objects through all the senses.”

Since the day I came to know that I have to draw a lot for animation. I have kept on trying to figure out the easiest way to draw. I mean to make drawing my second nature, so that I could metamorphose my inner feeling and imagination into diagrams.

I have been asked frequently by folks having interest in the related fields that weather they can draw or not. My answer simply is,” Why not?”

It is a fact that anything if you have interest in something but you don’t know about it you try to know and learn about it. But knowledge, off course, is not transferable asset. It could not be transferred from person to person. I think nobody can make “Xerox” copy of himself by just teaching some other person.

Still then learning is an ongoing process. It is a life long process. As an animator I have learned many lesson from my teachers, from nature, from friends, from juniors, from books, from projects I have worked in. First of all I’m my own teacher. To be a master in drawing is a long process. Great masters of animation dedicated their whole lives in order to achieve excellence.

But one thing is for sure, a good start is half the work done. If the starting is good then the whole work will take care of itself.

Let’s discuss the drawing as cup of tea of an animator. Actually an animator mimics Illusions of Nature. Drawing is an important part of this process. Solid drawing is an important principle of animation. All the animators are very good draftsmen. They have tremendous skills of solid drawing.

To be Concluded